Thrillers Tales Literary Services
What is Tab Editing?
Tab Editing are thrillers, tales and literary services and also is the name we use to name our collection of published books, some of them by Grupo Planeta.

Writing in four hands
Although, perhaps it is not too usual, we have written all the books in four hands. The four hands are by Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés. In other words, this writing of four hands gives a lot of possibilities.
It contributes different points of view and it is easier to give different natures to the characters that act in each of our novels…
Yes, they act, because although it sounds strange, in the end, it is they who have finished us marking the path of each work. Or that’s what we think.
Because when you immerse yourself in the letters, they are the characters who, in short, form the words.
Our first thriller

From this relationship to four hands, 29 de febrero, it was the first delivery.
We love novels of intrigue, for that reason and for having been the first, we have a special affection.
Although, perhaps, we feel more satisfied with our last trilogy, composed by:
- Suicidio Colectivo
- Vestid, vestid malditos
- Rímel Amarillo, Nieve Roja.
And also tales
We also enjoy writing and illustrating a couple of children’s tales books, specially designed to read to children…
These children’s books are called Rabasketa and Rabasketa II… we hope in the future that there will be more Rabasketas.
How we really like to write, we have tried different things, including scripts for radio and television, short stories, etc..
Due to writing scripts, we have also directed and presented some radio and television programs. This has allowed us to interview, among other characters, renowned writers such as Mercedes Salisachs (Planet Award), Esther Tusquets (Writer and Editor), Ernesto Frers, Antonio Cerdá, etc.

Things we can offer you
What has become very clear over the years is that the result of the works is not only the result of creativity, but that there are other very relevant factors to make them viable:
- the correction and style give quality to the final product. A good cover favours the introduction of the work. A correct layout of the book adds quality to it
- make the necessary publicity so that potential readers know that the work exists. Although the latter is usually the work of the publisher, any effort of the author is welcome.
Because we are aware of the need of these labours to finish a work. Therefore you’ll also find our offers about it.
We will also explain to you what types of literary orders we can accept and in what conditions.
Enjoy our website. And also our thrillers, tales and literary services
OUR BOOKS (Written in Spanish):
29 de Febrero – A lo Largo de la Larga Noche – El Laberinto de Ariadna – Suicidio Colectivo – Vestid, Vestid, Malditos – Rímel Amarillo, Nieve Roja – Casas Apareadas – Turismo Rural – Rural Tourism (Written in U.S.A. English) – Historias Frente al Hogar – Los Cuadros Verdes de Itami
OUR TALES (Written in Spanish):
OUR TALES (Written in Catalan):