The trilogy “Los Cuadros Verdes de Itami” narrates the adventures of some characters who are in Venice in 2007, ready to commit suicide, but end up experiencing a series of circumstances that will lead them to totally unsuspected situations.
Murders, sex, persecutions, will surround them and they will end up becoming true friends. This story corresponds to the first volume that composes it: Suicidio Colectivo.
The second part takes place in Berlin in the year 2020 -the book was written in the year 2012- and is set in the world of fashion, but what promised to be very pleasant, goes awry to unsuspected extremes. Facts related even to the Nazi death camps. This second volume is called: Vestid, Vestid Malditos.
The third part, although it was written in 2013, takes place in Paris in 2021. The same characters from the first and second parts face cyberbullying and a drug known as red snow. This latest adventure is titled Rimel Amarillo, Nieve Roja.
Although each of the titles is published separately, we found a good suggestion from a reader who told us that it would be interesting to gather the three titles in a single book… Thus, “Los Cuadros Verdes de Itami” was born.