The Great Mistake



Automatic traslation from the original story in Spanish. Not checked manually

I look at animals and see that they function as they should, as one would expect.

Carnivores and omnivores, by instinct and necessity, hunt. They do it in a thorough manner, they never kill for the sake of killing. Herbivores can sometimes defend themselves from attacks by predators or insects.

Among their own species, many live in a pack and do so in harmony. They only have some confrontations when it comes to mating or to decide who should lead the herd… Furthermore, until now, I have never seen fights between herds of the same species. And if it’s not for hunting, it’s not for other species either.

With the females, during the mating season, they mate and have children whom they will take care of until they are able to move on their own. No male attacks or kills a female and females do not provoke them or try to dominate them. Everyone has the role attributed to them and there are no abuses of power.

Even the smallest beings, ants, bees, termites and many more are organized into communities and each one does the work so that they are better equipped. Without envy, without resentment or bad feelings. This has allowed them to survive for… poof! It is almost not known…


Despite the difficulties that life brings them, they are usually happy and accept what happens to them…

I love the animals!

But man, being the most intelligent species, are the ones that act with the least logic.

Hatred, greed, debauchery, cruelty… in short, all kinds of evil are the foundations they have chosen for their lives…

He is the only animal species that fights and kills each other… sometimes, simply, because he doesn’t like someone or does things better…

They go to such a point that they organize themselves into packs to try to screw over another pack and even better, if possible, eliminate it.

They have organized societies for the sole desire of a small part, to obtain benefits from the needs of others… the most essential things, food and shelter, they had practically solved, but no, that has never been enough for them.

Since the beginning of time they have killed their fellow men simply to obtain benefits, out of envy, jealousy…

On top of that, they are not satisfied with the roles that correspond to them; those who are strong envy their intelligence. The intelligent one forces it. The woman envies what she considers the supremacy of the man. Man, for centuries, has tried to subjugate women…

They are such beasts that they even kill their partners, because they are tired of them or because they drink or take drugs, or because of generally unfounded jealousy…

They were not made to structure societies and families… like other animals, they were designed to live in herds and thus better defend and protect themselves. To mate, males and females… take care of and protect their offspring until they could function on their own and in the next heat, they did not necessarily have to continue with the same partner…

I made a huge mistake. I thought that human beings would finally evolve to become better and better…

Sometimes I can’t help but think what God must say… Surely, if he had his opinion, he would say something like this:

It’s a mistake that I haven’t been able to fix… and I’m sorry… Of course, I have to say that I realized it right away, thanks to an apple… I tried to change things by taking away their powers and making them have to wake up on their own.

And what happened…? That, to solve the mess, sometime later, I had to send them a Deluge, to let things start again… I thought that with this their reason would stop clouding… but oh well, they are becoming more and more twisted… they have created weapons to kill wildly… they continually try to appropriate what belongs to others…

I let them remember me, even using different names and what they called different religions, but even this, which should have served to feel grateful and know what awaits them, has served to kill each other, almost from the beginning…

Furthermore, they feel so extremely superior that they have allowed themselves the luxury of forgetting Me more and more and searching for ways to surpass Me… Imagine, surpassing Me, who am the one who created them… They have me really tired…

I am so fed up and enraged, that this time instead of rain, I am sending you what they have called climate change… by the way, they attribute even this as due to their actions… what they don’t know is that it will become more and more heat… it will be slow, so that the other species can adapt… but they, this rabble, who have been the great mistake, which for my misfortune I conceived, will slowly disappear charred from the face of the Earth… They do not deserve to reach My side; they don’t even deserve the eternal fire that many of their religions talk about.

What are we going to do, later when I’m bored, I’ll try to create something a little better… let’s see if I can get it right this time…

The Great Mistake – Short stories series – Copyright ©Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés

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