Cover Design


Cover design is essential in the presentation of books. We are all aware that sight is the first sense that makes contact with what we are looking for. Books are no exception.

Except in cases where a specific title is sought, the first thing that will attract the attention of the potential reader is the presentation of the book, or what is the same, the cover.

Does this mean that there is the perfect cover that will fit everyone’s taste? The answer is no. But it is also true that the experience of professionals channels design towards the majority public.

Cover Design

The colours to be used, the images, the fonts, the synopsis and, of course, the composition must be taken into account. All this, in addition to being harmonious and attractive, must convey, graphically, what the content of the book is about.

If the cover is a good indicator of the content, it will bring us closer to those readers who are looking for that type of story. If the design is attractive, in like manner it will bring us closer to readers who are not looking for specific content.


The covers may or may not contain images. When we talk about standard covers, we usually talk about covers without images. Also with images belonging to the designer’s background that in most cases will not fully adapt to the content.

It is possible to work with images without copyright, but which require the indication of copyright. This is the middle ground, ideal for many cases. And it will only have the extra cost of the time invested in the search for the image that best matches the real need of the work.

Finally, there is also the possibility of creating specific images for the literary work in question. This is the most expensive possibility. Since the work of the photographic studio and of the models that can or should appear in the photograph have very high prices. The same is also true if a professional has to travel to photograph a certain landscape.

There is an intermediate solution that is to look for images with copyright. The prices are usually much more affordable and, generally, things are usually found quite adapted to what is intended.

In our experience, the two most suitable formulas to obtain a good result adapted to the budget of most writers are:

  • Use images without copyright
  • Or use paying rights, but without being for exclusive use.

Naturally the standard covers without images will be tried to be attractive and in many cases, mainly in non-literary works, they can be enough.

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