The Dawn



Automatic traslation from the original story in Spanish. Not checked manually

Short Story The Dawn
Short Story Dawn ©Montserrat Valls and ©Juan Genovés.

The dawn reeled off the first chiaroscuro with which the sun announced its awakening… Some leaden clouds were trying hard to spoil the party… It was still winter, they could win the game, although the fight would surely be cruel and merciless.

Suddenly, the north wind, without excessive fury, began to stretch, forcing the clouds to move… One more day, again, the king of light had defeated them…

Not far from there the cry of a child, he announced his desire to integrate into the new day… He forcefully sucked on his mother’s nipple and his life force was given to him…

He still didn’t know it, but he had been enlightened to give love, hope and joy, to -this time yes- after many, make the human being understand the way… That day was special, without chiaroscuro, full of light and clarity… With all the elements, finally, colluding with man… An end began, which in reality was the sunrise of a new life… better, without envy, without resentment and above all loving the gifts that have been generously offered to us…

The Dawn – Short stories series – Copyright ©Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés

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