Course Aprende a Usar el Quiromasaje


Massage is an instinctive practice of the human being, when pain occurs, the first impulse is to rub the affected area. In addition, when the pain is suffered by another person, for example a child, the human being, usually modifies the intonation and inflection of the voice, to get the person who suffers it to calm down. The course Aprende a Usar el Quiromasaje, (written in Spanish), will show you the techniques so that you, too, can do an effective massage.

Animals also use massage, although in their case, they usually do so, licking the affected area.

It is known from experience that the pressure of the hand over a painful area calms the pain and relaxes. Through this experience, from generation to generation and culture to culture, different massage techniques were concretized. Until today, what we know as chiromassage has been reached.

Chiromassage is a set of movements made with the hands in contact with the patient’s body. These movements, which are of various types: kneading, percussion, friction, venous emptying, slapping, pinching, pumping, vertebral shaking, friction, rolling, myotensive stretching, mobilization, etc.

In our course Aprende a Usar el Quiromasaje, (written in Spanish), you will learn the necessary manipulations. You will also know the intensity with which you should apply them, depending on the type of massage:

  • Chiromassage of relaxation or sensitive, smooth movements and intensity
  • In Sports Chiromassage, the movements and intensity are intense. It is suitable for muscle contractures and small injuries.
  • Finally, Chiromassage for the recovery of muscle tone and elasticity. Intense movements and mobilizations are applied. Sometimes also with the help of various devices and instruments: infrared, vibrations, tens, cold application, etc. 

Throughout our course, you will know the techniques and uses of each type of massage.